Material sound is the visual representation of sound frequencies and intention. The forms that emerge when sound is imposed on water reveal hidden information at a subtle level—information that exists but is not immediately visible. Sound shapes convey this encoded information, similar to yantras in Vedic traditions. Yantras are symbolic emanations representing geometries as living frequencies, also reflected in sacred sounds.
Water Revelation is a hydromancy method of communication that uses sound to materialize the hidden information stored in water. This activation occurs at a subtle level through the use of voice, light, and pigments. In these initial experiments, I played the sound of the Ganesh mantra to rainwater, revealing the symbolic emanation of that frequency as a visual code. This code is recognized as the elephant deity, symbolizing the remover of obstacles and the frequency of prosperity within the Vedic tradition.
Guru Ramdas Mantra is renowned as the miracle mantra in Sikh tradition. This mantra was played to rainwater from the páramo ecosystem for an hour, during which I meditated and repeated the mantra, infusing the water with its sound and profound devotion. In the next stage, I mixed the mantra-infused water with pigments and colors that correspond to the frequency of the mantra. As the colors were combined with the rainwater on a large canvas, I revealed the code of the mantra through the movement of my hands, which evocatively represents the face of Guru Ramdas.
“Water is energy, frequency and vibration. Water can receive, transmit and amplify signals similar to the way WiFi, connecting people and places”